Monday, August 31, 2009

News from my doctor

As I wrote last week I had emailed my doctor to ask questions about the placenta being so close to the cervix.

I asked her about the risk of the placenta coming out first. She said that since it is not over the cervix that it would come out first. This eased my mind a little about Asher's chances of being born alive. If it doesn't come out first then he should be just fine.

Then I asked about the possibility of it tearing and bleeding and that causing harm to Asher. Many of the things I had read about the low lying placenta was that if you bend wrong or pick something heavy up you could tear. With the earlier bleeding in my pregnancy and the bed rest time because of the SCH I was very concerned that more bleeding could happen. I don't want anything to happen to Asher especially if I can prevent it. She promised me that my low lying placenta would not cause harm to Asher. She didn't tell me not to do anything but I know she knows I have been very careful since the SCH.

I also asked about the placenta's movement. I asked if it would move in the right direction since it seems to have moved in the wrong direction. She said that as the uterus gets bigger with the baby that the placenta should move up with it. I really hope so. My body doesn't seem to be cooperating correctly though. I have heard so many stories of it actually going down more rather then up. I am still not sure what to think about that.

So for now I am just going to try to limit lifting more and try not to stress too much. If I feel off I will go back to couch time and will try to rest. I know that is what is best for Asher. I wish I was able to run and dance and go out more with Asher the way I was able to with Nels. Nels got to do so many things inside me. I pray that Asher will be able to do some of those things outside of me. I want him to have a good life surrounded by love and filled with God's blessings.

Dear Lord, I once again give Asher and this situation over to you. I know that no matter which direction the placenta goes that Asher is in your hands and protected by your love. I pray that you will lead and guide me and help me to do what is best for Asher in this time. You have given me such a blessing to be able to carry another precious little one on the inside. I pray that Asher will get to spend lots of time with us on the outside and that he will grow up to be a man after your heart. In Jesus name, amen!

1 comment:

  1. I have echoed your prayer for your son. I am trusting with you that God will protect both you and Asher. Hugs!!!!
